Backend Development Roadmap

Basics of Web Development

Understanding the foundational concepts of web development is essential for anyone looking to build a career in this field. This section covers the basic principles of web development, including the client-server architecture, communication protocols, and fundamental backend programming concepts.

Duration: 2 Weeks

Backend Programming Languages

Backend development involves various programming languages and frameworks that are crucial for building robust and scalable applications. This section provides an overview of different backend languages, their syntax, error handling, and practical applications in real-world scenarios.

Duration: 4 Weeks


Databases are a critical component of backend development. This section covers both relational databases (SQL) and NoSQL databases, focusing on schema design, optimization techniques, and dynamic schema handling to ensure efficient data management.

Duration: 4 Weeks


APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are essential for enabling communication between different software components. This section focuses on designing and building RESTful APIs, understanding API authentication and authorization, and delving into advanced API concepts to create secure and efficient APIs.

Duration: 3 Weeks


Security is a crucial aspect of backend development. This section covers both basic and advanced security practices to safeguard applications from various threats. Learn about HTTPS, input validation, encryption, and advanced security measures like OAuth and JWT for protecting sensitive data.

Duration: 3 Weeks

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